Marcos Bautista

Professional info
Marcos Bautista and his family are masters of traditional Zapotec Weaving and the creative skills associated with their fine art. They are descended from centuries of weavers, who began passing down the art of weaving in Pre-Columbian times. They are inspired by ancient images as well as more modern designs, to imagine, create, and produce fine, natural wool products such as rugs, bags, pillows, and more.
Work experience
Master Weaver
​1997 - present
​I began weaving at the age of 9 years old. Since then, I have continued to improve my skills and grow my home business. In 2014, I began participating in Craft Fairs and Expositions, providing demonstrations of the weaving process, which has allowed me to share my art and products with a much broader audience than ever before.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Industrial Engineering Intern
Before graduation from University, I participated in an exchange program in Querétaro, Mexico, with Ciateq. There, I worked on a project called "Elaboración y Estandarización de Documentos en la Gerencia de Ingeniería de Plantas de Procesos," which was a manual of formats that I developed to facilitate the process of creating new projects. This was the equivalent of my "capstone project" that many majors in American Universities require.
Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca
​2007- 2012
I graduated from my university with a degree in Industrial Engineering in 2012, and obtained my titulo, or certification soon afterwards. I majored in engineering with a concentration on quality and productivity, as well as taking English and other general courses. This education has helped me to form a better understanding of comercial and production concepts, improving my own business with my weavings.
​2004 - 2007
I studied the mechanic track at my technological high school, and graduated as a certified mechanic with knowledge of internal combustion machines, such as automotive vehicles. I also studied English, science, and several years of mathematics while I attended.
Industrial Engineering
Teaching Spanish
Learning Languages
International Business